User Research: Tomer Sharon – “Perfectly Executing The Wrong Plan”

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Perfect Plan

We are happy to with Wooga offer you a free talk by google’s great UX Senior Tomer Sharon! App developers ask themselves excellent questions about their users: Do people need my app? Can people use my app? Why do people sign-up, then not use my app? However, app developers answer their excellent questions in invalid […]

Lean Agile Scotland 2014, Edinburgh – 11-12 September 2014

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Lean Agile Scotland

We are proud to be part of Lean Agile Scotland 2014. This is the third issue of the conference. A wide range of talks and workshops on Lean and Agile are offered by speakers like Will Evans Kevin Behr Bill Beard Jabe Bloom Katherine Kirk Mike Burrows Karl Scotland and many more The list contains […]

überproduct at the Agile People Sweden conference

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Agile People Sweden

überproduct giving a talk at Agile People Sweden – The conference for HR, IT and Management The shift in our work lives away from transport and production to knowledge work and services brings with it a constant demand on change and adaptation, continuous learning and improvement. The more the challenges are of an immaterial nature, the […]

Lean UX Festival Belgium, September 15/16 – join us!

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Lean UX Festival Belgium

Lean UX Festival Belgium tries to offer and push Lean UX as a topic in Belgium, just as we did so lately  in Berlin with our public and private workshops with Will Evans. It really makes us happy to be part of Lean UX Festival Belgium wit other great names as well as partnering with Maarten Volders on this event. […]

ThingsCon. Berlin. 2-3 May 2014

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ThingsCon, Berlin

ThingsCon is a two-day conference about the future of the hardware business ranging from Internet of Things, wearables and connected devices to 3D printing and new manufacturing techniques. In talks, workshops and intimate sessions, an international line-up of top notch speakers will cover everything it takes to grow a hardware product from prototype to scaling business […]

IT Spring 2014, Minsk, Belarus

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IT Spring, Minsk, Belarus, 2014

Keynote in Minsk! We are happy t be invited to the most interesting and biggest IT conference in Minsk, Belarus.  Markus will be offering a keynote on “Do the right thing!“. Here the description: “Agile methodologies started off with doing the right thing for the user and ensuring to build the right thing in the beginning. […]

Lean UX NYC 2014

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Lean UX NYC 2014

We are proud and humbled to be part of the “most in-depth, inclusive, LeanUX conference for designers, innovators, and entrepreneurs”. We’ll be giving a talk on innovation: how to combine zip in the fuzzy, non linear and deep front end of innovation and design into the following software production process

The Red Bead Experiment – Limited Wip Society Berlin

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The Red Bead Experiment

We are happy to be part of the  next meeting of the Limited Wip Society Berlin (locale Kanban User Group). Arne Roock will present the awesome and famous Red Bead Experiment with Markus. The experiment demonstrates, in a playful and fun way, the modern management principles by Edwards Deming – who is the father of Lean and the […]

D.Vision Day 2013 – HPI Potsdam

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D.Vision Day 2013 Potsdam

Our friends at the are presenting the D.Vision Day on 12 September 2013 in Potsdam at HPI. People interested and / or exerienced in design thinking are invited for a fast and intense day of talking and doing design thinking. Amongst others, Sennheiser und Procter & Gamble will share experiences and insight from their design thinkig practices. […]

Lean Kanban Central Europe 2013

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LKCE 2013

Lean Kanban Central Europe is coming up with its third edition already. After being hosted in Munich in year one and Vienna last year, now Hamburg will welcome Kanbanistas from around the world. The location looks promising, the program even more so. Kanban is kept bare-to-the-bones minimal, the other side of the coin being a thrilling […]