Lean UX NYC 2014
3 Days, 40 Speakers, 20 Workshops, All Awesome.
Update! Only 2 weeks to go! 🙂
Here the final title of Markus’ talk:
“Creation & Production Combined: The Power of Connected Worlds”
Great News:
In addition we are offering a 3 hour workshop on Friday as part of the program, titled and about
“Applying Service Design to Your Agencies’ Delivery” Join and have fun! Here the description:
“A widely know problem for design agencies is the following: The client calls you in, the contract is finalized, the first day is spent at the client and you slowly realize: The problem as described by the client is … not the problem at hand. You smell it the moment you enter his office. Now what to do? Deliver to the contract? Overwhelm the client with your insight immediately? Put your engagement at risk?
The underlying reason that causes this situation is, of course, that the client has framed the problem from his PoV, with his blind spots involved. You, on the other hand, see it from a different vanishing point – in the end, the client hired you because you bring along different capabilities. The client expects an agency, bringing along a quiver of magic arrows which always hit. Simple recipes. What you have instead is a quiver of tools that need to be adjusted to the situation at hand. Your tools need to packed into a complete service. To design that service you need to apply (service) design tools to the whole environment of your sponsor, his work environment and finally you and your capabilities themselves. This workshop will show you how the concepts of service design can help you to systematically re-frame the problem, so that you can deeper engage with the client and also rethink your way of delivering your own service in a specific context.“
Here are the descriptions of all the great workshop. It’s such great content that you need to choose carefully! 🙂
Also, please have a look at the terrific program,! This is one of a kind conference and we are really proud to be part of it!
New York!
We already had the conference amongst the few events that matter. Now we are extremely proud and humbled to be part of the “most in-depth, inclusive, LeanUX conference for designers, innovators, and entrepreneurs”. We’ll be giving a talk on innovation: how to zip in the fuzzy, non linear and deep front end of innovation and design into the software production process but also on how to decouple and protect them from each other where necessary. And why this may well be necessary.
Boundaries of Kanban – disruptive innovation (Markus Andrezak) from Lean Kanban Central Europe on Vimeo.
We linked to videos w/ Markus talking on loosely similar topics as background information. Although: This new talk will be much more focusing on solutions of the problem rather than simply pointing the problem out.
Dave Gray, Autor von “The Connected Company” und “Gamestorming“, und Markus in einem google On Air Hangout
We are quite proud of being part of this brilliant program and list of outstanding speakers. We hope to be able to come up with some activities around the conference. If you have any suggestion, please contact us!