Ep. 28: Holger Nils Pohl – The Wrong Planet, a book on autism

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Hey, we haven’t heard in a while. I am happy to be back. In all kinds of ways. If you have questions where I was, ask. But let’s cut to the chase! This pod is all about Holger and his new book on autism. It is written from first hand experience with all empathy you […]

Ep. 27: Luke Hohmann – First Root – Participatory Budgeting in Schools

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“Calm down, take a deep breath and just talk to me“ Luke Hohmann’s new mission: Participatory Budgeting in Schools Luke Hohmann founded FirstRoot to advance participatory budgeting in schools. Let me get straight to the point: You can invest in this company in this early stage. You can also support the cause by talking about or by […]

Ep. 25: Peter Bihr, Corona, a golf cart, a surfboard and extended Visas

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Episode 25: Peter Bihr, Corona Crisis, a golf cart, a surfboard and visa extension Peter Bihr actually wanted to attend a wedding in the USA. Then, he and his family though it might be a good idea to have extended vacations before that in Costa Rica. And then … Corona hit. There was no way […]

Ep. 24 – Markus Andrezak: Strategie Machen!

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Strategie Machen! Henning Wolf hat mich im Hotelzimmer bei einer Konferenz interviewt. Es geht um mein Thema Nummer eins, neben Produkt: Strategie Machen! Wir erklären, was an Strategie kaputt ist und wie man es fixen kann. Subscribe on iTunes RSS Feed Overcast.fm    Wir erklären, was die drei relevanten Ebenen in Strategie sind und wie man sie […]

Dan Vacanti – Rightsizing

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  I met Dan years and years ago in my active time in the Kanban community. Dan was part of the very beginning of Kanban in 2007! Since then he’s been deep into Lean and Agile. Dan authored two books, “Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability“ and “When will it be done?“. He is also the […]

Ep. 22: Jabe Bloom & Marc Burgauer – Designing Systems Pt. II

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Designing Systems This is part two of the conversation I had with Jabe Bloom and Marc Burgauer during the Devops Conference 2018 in Munich on the bigger topic of Designing Systems.. All information can be found in the show notes of part 1, which is Episode 21 of this podcast. Subscribe on iTunes RSS Feed […]

Ep. 21: Jabe Bloom and Marc Burgauer – Designing Systems

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Last week, beginning of December 2018, I happened to be guest of the DevOps Conferencein Munich. The nice people from the organising companygave me the chance to actually make it a family meeting with my pals J Paul Reed (a giant in the field of DevOps), Marc Burgauer (from Scotland, doing Agile consulting in Banking) and Jabe Bloom (co-founder and chief […]

Ep. 20: Matthew E. May – Winning The Brain Game

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I follow Matt since years. He has a couple of great books out, his latest one possibly being the top pick. It is called “Winning the Brain Game”. In “Winning the Brain Game”, Matt explains 7 fundamental flaws of the brain which hold us back from being the best problem solvers we could be. He […]

Ep. 17: Courtney Hemphill – Psychological Safety at Work

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I met Courtney years ago at the Lean UX conference. At the time there was a lot of talk of yet another round of inclusion. Where DevOps was going on in one part of the universe, this was the universe, we were talking and discussing inclusion of UX, User Research, Design and other disciplines into […]

Ep. 16: Roman Pichler – Strategize

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Roman – one of the greats I don’t really dare to introduce Roman. He is such a big name in Agile Product management. Since his beginnings in Scrum, he was totally focused: Scrum it will be, Product it will be – and everything that belongs to it. No more, no less. Clarity. In the field […]