Product Breakfast

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Produktfrühstück in Berlin

Breakfast? Every day! Work? Nearly every day! Breakfast with product colleagues? Every 3rd wednesday of a month! So keep in mind, from 21 August 2013 on: Every 3rd Wednesday of a month, always 9am – discuss all things product at Café Petit Fleury, Weinbergsweg 5, 10119 Berlin. Happy to meet you! Thx a lot for the […]

Berlin Days of Software Engineering

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Berlin Dose 2013

The Berlin Days of Software Engineering will see their second edition in September. While in its first edition our friend and mentor David Anderson was having a talk there, now überproduct itself will have his turn. Markus Andrezak will talk about everyday conflicts that can arise when agile methodolgies meet purely creative and innovative work. The program of […]