Agile Manchester 2016 – Here I Come

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Agile Manchester 2016

Agile Manchester – my British Premiere Update: Use this code to get 15% discount on my workshop in Manchester!  In Winter, while I was cruising don the Alps with my brand new and quite fancy Jones Flagship snowboard, I received a call from the nice people at Software Acumen. Soon, we had a solution figured […]

LKCE 2015 – Munich

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LKCE 2015 München

Start Here – Lead Different LKCE returns to its origins, Munich, this year! It is absolutely not easy to come u with a roaster of speakers and sessions, year after year, which attracts a new audience as well as makes the regulars attend again. So, this year there is again, new blood and new insights given as […]

Agile World 2015 – Munich

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Dual Mode Organizations

I am glad to be invited to Agile World 2015  in Munich for the first time. I’ll take the opportunity to dig deeper into a topic that is at the core of my practice all of the time but only in my talks Honl is a side thread until now: The fact that innovation does not […]

Lean DUS – Innovation and Lean

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Lean DUS

In January I was invited to talk at Lean DUS on the topic of how to combine Lean and Innovation. But that’s not all – I had the great experience to hold a workshop there and so the whole thing was an embedded event. It was a real holistic experience for me. I’ll write soon […]

Talk at Dare Fest Belgium 2014, Antwerp – “Integrate everything, Know everything”

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Dare Fest

I will give a talk at Dare Fest Belgium 2014, in Antwerp, 8 – 10 Dezember 2014: “Integrate everything – Know everything” This talk is about my concept on absolute integration of the flow of knowledge work in the company – vertical as well as horizontal.  In this concept, knowledge flows mostly horizontally, enabling flows vertically (that’s how companies are organized). […]

Product Owner Master Class w/ unboxed (UK)

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I am happy to announce a special event that unboxed invited me to. unboxed Consulting from London – the biggest Ruby and Rails shop in the UK, also embracing Lean and Agile big time – will open shop in Berlin and came up with a very Berlinesque idea right away. What have Product Management, User Research and […]

Talk “The LeanUX Promise” at UX Salon Berlin

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UX Salon Berlin

Organized by Hila Chezy, the 2nd edition of UX Salon Berlin will take place on November 27 at Hubraum, Berlin Schöneberg (my old hood!). There, I am offered the opportunity to give a talk on “The LeanUX Promise”. It should be interesting for for all those working on the interface between UX and development: Any stakeholder, […]

LKCE 2014, Hamburg – Lean Kanban Central Europe

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LKCE 2014

Autumn, end of October – LKCE 2014, Hamburg is approaching and so it’s high time to think about and remind you on it. Arne has already lately written about this topic, so here are my plans for the conference. Fantastic Keynotes We have the pleasure to welcome awesome keynotes this year! Mary und Tom Poppendieck […]

Goto Berlin Conference – 6 / 7 November 2014

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Goto Berlin

This year I am invited to the Goto conference in my hometown Berlin. I will talk on a topic that really matters to me: That the world of product management gets closer to origins again and starts to realize that not only the tactical advantage of fast feedback that agile delivers is required but also the strategic original intent of building product that people need and love.