überproduct at the Agile People Sweden conference

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Agile People Sweden

überproduct giving a talk at Agile People Sweden – The conference for HR, IT and Management

The shift in our work lives away from transport and production to knowledge work and services brings with it a constant demand on change and adaptation, continuous learning and improvement. The more the challenges are of an immaterial nature, the quicker we are asked to respond (or rather: foresee?). “No Matter how it looks at first, it’s always a people problem” says Gerry Weinberg and so it’s no miracle that HR departments and thinkers of the world are heavily working on understanding the effects they see and help people cope with it.

Green Bullet going new ways

GreenBullet, an HR consultancy from Stockholm, organizes a whole conference around this aspect since last year, the Agile People Sweden conference. We were quite happy, to meet Pia-Maria from GreenBullet at the IT Spring conference in Minsk and were quite happy to see how much energy they put into the topic of Agile Change and its consequences and also move beyond. Of course, we were just as happy to be invited to the conference right away!

überproduct’s Talk

Our talk at the conference will be around the topic of Agile enthusiasm bringing with it the danger of local optimization for IT purposes. Often times we see that Agile enthusiasts implement practices and confront other departments – having, of course,  other ways and types of work – with their newly lernend practices. Out of best reasons and motivations! But all too often it ends up in misunderstandings and being received as disrespectful (IT to Marketing: “From this day on you will write down your requirements as Use Cases, otherwise it won’t make any Sprint as it won’t be ‘Ready for Sprint’.”) This is just one example of blindly requesting others to change their way of work without actually understanding their context through looking on practices rather than values. We will extend this example and try to show how Agile and Lean means to first understand the nature of work and then come to a common conclusion on how to work together across departments to achieve global, balanced optimization of the work rather than local, (e.g. IT driven) optimization.

Many well known faces

Other guests at the conference in Stockholm will be:

We are happy to join all the Agile People in Sweden!


When: 25. September 2014

Where: Stockholm, Sweden, Alströmergatan 20 

More Info and registration