D.Vision Day 2013 – d.school HPI Potsdam

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D.Vision Day 2013 Potsdam

Our friends at the d.school are presenting the D.Vision Day on 12 September 2013 in Potsdam at HPI. People interested and / or exerienced in design thinking are invited for a fast and intense day of talking and doing design thinking. Amongst others, Sennheiser und Procter & Gamble will share experiences and insight from their design thinkig practices.

We will be part of the practical design thinking sessions: 

  • collaborative team workspace,
  • creative process planning
  • and dynamic team building

We are happy and proud to set the design challenge for and also co-coach the track on creative process planning. Secret hint: It’s all about conflicts of innovation w/ standard work in the enterprise. 



When: 12 September 2013

Where: Campus Hasso-Plattner-Institut, 14482 Potsdam


When: 12 September 2013

Where: Campus Hasso-Plattner-Institut, 14482 Potsdam

More Info 
