Stories Connecting Dots – EP 30: Janna Bastow – Creating ProdPad

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The star of this episode is Janna Bastow. You might know Janna from her role in setting up “Mind The Product” or as one of the business owners of the company running ProdPad, a specalized, really cool tool supporting smart work of Product Managers and Owners. But there’s always more to the story of a […]

SCD S4E1: The Wrong Planet – Holger Nils Pohl’s book on autism

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Hey, we haven’t heard in a while. I am happy to be back. In all kinds of ways. If you have questions where I was, ask. But let’s cut to the chase! This pod is all about Holger and his new book on autism. It is written from first hand experience with all empathy you […]

Dealing With The Product Discovery Hype (Pt. 2) – How To Start Carefully

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Types of Work / Environments

Part 1 of this mini series mentioned the quirks and challenges and obstacles that teams will be confronted with when starting the journey of (continuous) product discovery. Therefore, rather than starting out, whatever opportunity you think you already have in front of you, I’d rather give you the advice to make “learning about the customer” […]

Strategy Habits Reframe Strategy: Making It Second Nature

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Habits replace Genius

Strategy Habits help us reach a culture of ubiquitous strategy and replace genius with discipline. No more heroes needed. When writing about an inclusive (or open) approach to strategy, KP Frahm pointed out to me a couple of days ago that his current experiment is not using the word “strategy” anymore. And he has a […]

You Are Already Doing Strategy

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In Case Nobody Told You: You Are Already Doing Strategy Work TL;DR The common idea that strategy is just for the boardroom: 100% wrong thinking! Many of the decisions you make, sometimes as small as drafting that email or casually prioritizing projects, play a part in shaping your company’s strategy. If you are working on […]

Dealing With The Product Discovery Hype (Pt. 1) – Starting Slowly

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Product Discovery

For a couple of weeks, I was angry. At the wrong person, about the wrong topic. The topic: Product Discovery, Continuous Product Discovery, however you want to call it. My frustration came from the hype surrounding the concept, promising a silver bullet for instant innovation success, growth, and general well-being. But having been through this […]

Getting Your Hands On Strategy Work

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Author shown in video on this blog post

Getting My Hands on Strategy Has Been One of My Hardest Things – It Shouldn’t Be For You Have you ever struggled to get involved in strategy work? I know I have. Getting my hands on strategy was one of the hardest things in my life, but it shouldn’t be that way for you. It […]

Inclusive vs. isolated Strategy Work

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90% of Strategy work is done wrong. We all know the results: “We don’t have a strategy.”, “We don’t know our strategy!”, “I don’t know how my work is connected to the strategy.” “The strategy seems random, reactive.”. These Statements are results of strategy practices that are executed by just a few in a siloed approach. The […]

Ep. 28: Holger Nils Pohl – The Wrong Planet, a book on autism

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Hey, we haven’t heard in a while. I am happy to be back. In all kinds of ways. If you have questions where I was, ask. But let’s cut to the chase! This pod is all about Holger and his new book on autism. It is written from first hand experience with all empathy you […]

überproduct überpost May 2014

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über Überblick

Spring starts acting like summer – a hint that it’s time for a  quick summary of all our posts in 2014 so far: Out of the office now! Sticking glued to one’s desk is easy. But visiting customers early and often leads to better products. UX Utopia Having an own UX department is more or […]